Hello, world! I'm Ella Bean the dog. Many of you probably know me via Instagram, but today, I'm starting this blog so you can keep up with my adventures behind the scenes and learn more about the glory of being me!
I'm a puppy mill rescue and I'm between 7 and 8 years old. I was found by my human at a South Florida animal shelter and I've lived in Miami, Washington DC, New York and now call Williamsburg, Brooklyn home.
Here are 5 facts you don't know about me:
I eat a raw diet and recommend it to all my friends.
I try and avoid processed foods whenever possible & I stay away from carbs (Hello Paleo!) My fave proteins are rabbit, duck and pheasant. I also love raw fish and salmon roe.
I love cashmere.
If you follow me on Instagram, you probably already know this. But what you DON'T know is that I'll actually find and drag a cashmere blanket or sweater into my bed to lie on it. Only the best!
I'm obsessed with neck rubs
If you ever meet me, I prefer gentle neck rubs to any other kind of petting.
I do not like children.
I can generally be a bit reserved at first when I first meet people. After I get to know you and you feed me organic treats, I'm willing to hang. But if you are a kid and you make loud noises, I will avoid you at all costs.
I almost never bark.
I'm totally silent EXCEPT when I hear someone coming close to my door. And even then, it's 50-50 if I'll care enough to say something about it.